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I’m so glad you’re here

Wanna Discover How To Build A Million-Dollar Email List Fast With Almost Zero Effort?

It's fast & effective and it's


A set-it-and-forget-it list building system can take you 30 min TOTAL to set up...

It's the key to building a highly profitable business in less time.​

How To Build A Million-Dollar Email List Fast With Almost Zero Effort?
(Never Waste Time On Cold-Calling Or Emailing A Non-Responsive List Again)

If you want to start or 10X your lead list with the right future customers (and lots more profit), then you’re in the right place.

Discover how this will work for you, even if you're new.

Your new ability will allow you to build your Million Dollar list

(with 1000's of People who are interesated in YOU! and everything you have to offer)

It Only Takes 30 Minutes Total To Setup

And This Proven Formula Already Generated Over $26 Million!

This method can always be tweaked, but the principles stay the same and will continue to be profitable.

You Don’t Have To Be A Genius To Put It All Together, All You Need Is The Internet And A Laptop (You Can Even Borrow Someone Else’s Internet As I Did…)

At first try, you’ll probably think there’s no way that this way of lead generation can give you so many high-quality leads.
But it does, and it’s becoming more popular in every industry!

Not Cultivating Your List Is The Death Of Your Business Happening In Real Time!

JR's Story
JR had just lost his real estate agency, he was devastated, and it almost cost him his family too. He had no money and couldn't put food on the table, his electricity went out, and later on, his wife left him to go live with her sister and took the 2 kids with her until he could pull himself together. Being an entrepreneur, he tried something new and started an alternative energy company, and that is when he gave me a call. I explained my method of creating a simple Facebook Ad but added my secret way of targeting the right people to get on his list. When I was taking him through the method, I explained that:

Here's what this Million Dollar list-building program will help you DO:

He had no list and no leads, but when one person on his list became a lead, it was all he needed to jumpstart his business in two years from a $2,117 deal to a company that now turns over $470,588 per month, and it took only 30 minutes to set up.
His list grows with 200-500 people per week. He never switches off the lights on his list-building campaigns because, without it, there is nothing to power his business…

What about me?

I started my business upon faith with no list, or safety net. I was broke, and I had only an old laptop and not even internet. (I used my roommate’s internet.) Now my business is making 5 figures (in USD) a month. 

I’m in control of my time and finances. (and have ample time for family, friends, and travel.)

Is this the successful life you want for yourself?

Start Growing Your List In As Little As 24 Hours using my method.

I’ve Helped Dozens Of Clients Grow Their Businesses And Here’s What They Have To Say:

“We’ve worked with Shanei and it’s been the most amazing experience. Within the first 2 months, we experienced a 20% increase in sales and similar results month on month from then. We’ve grown our staff by over 200%

We highly recommend Shanei in the luxury market or selling high-end products.” 

Ant Matthews. (High-end luxury brand)

“We made more money in a week than we’ve ever made in one month. We usually got 200 high-quality, pre-qualified leads per week using Shanei’s method, and recently it became 500 fresh leads.

Her way of list building helped us to make more money this week than we’ve ever made in one month!  Shanei’s way of lead generation is definitely the secret sauce to my business!”

JR (Alternative Energy Company)

“Each of our sales staff generated about 10 quotes a month from our list that gets updated daily. After we switched to using Shanei’s method, all of them generated over 200 quotes a month.

In one month, we generated about 600 quotes, and the following month, 1000 quotes.”

James Matthews (Online jewelry store)

Featured on:

“Shanei helped us by re-packaging the message so that it can be felt, heard, and undersood that our company is the best choice you could make…

Instead of going the long way up the mountain, go pro with Shanei who is an expert coach in lead generation and building your system” 

Carnell Smith
(The Paternity Coach)

Alejandro Bratti (Human Strategist,

“ Your logistical ability to put things together makes it easy to move forward. Top Notch A1!

I trust you with everything and being able to share space and stage with you is priceless!

Dr. Pat Boulogne DC, CCSP, AP, CFMP
(Mentor Coach “Dr Pat” | Master High Performance Health | Functional Medicine & Life Strategies | Helped 100’s of Executive & Entrepreneurs | Speaker | International Author & Bestseller | Mindset.Nurture.Restore.Move)
#International Bestselling Author

I want to align myself with my perfect customer, someone who will gladly pay me what I’m worth.

It takes people like Shanei to ask the questions about your perfect customer for me to be like:

YES Why not?
Definitely do what Shanei says she hits the nail on the head.”

Lorinda (Ceo & Founder of Loveré InSyle Design)

How To Turn A List Of 100 People Into $39,994

If you have a product/service you sell for at $1997 and 20 people buy your product/service you’ll generate $39,994 with minimal marketing effort because you have the right kind of people on your list!

I’m offering you, the opportunity to get more reach, impact, influence and income.

More clients to grow your business to start doing more of the things you love, like spending more time with your family and friends, taking care of everyone’s restaurant bill, travel and see the world, meet new people or do that project you’ve been called for…

Getting this easy, fast, and effective list-building formula will grow your list, and leads fast. 


So This Is What’s On The Table:

Valued at $197
And You Get These FREE Bonuses

Total Value of $197

Today $97

Shanei’s “Grow Your List Or Double Your Money Back,
Hassle-Free Guarantee.

This is the best part:
Get a 100% money-back guarantee
The best part of it is, you’ll get a 100% money-back guarantee. Your excitement will increase as you see your list grow daily with future clients.

If you’ve done all the work and you don’t grow your list at all in 2 weeks, I will personally look at your ad in a one-on-one personal coaching call Valued at $997 hr, to help you get everything right. I’ll even run your Facebook Ad for you for a week, 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Guaranteed! (There’s a reason why entrepreneurs feel safe when using my products & services)

“Your success and business growth are a priority for me, and you have my personal promise that I will not just leave you to figure this out on your own, I’ll be there to support you every step of the way.” Shanei Born

If you see that you’re not growing your list, just email support@shaneiborn.com and we will give you a complete refund in 30 days AND you get to keep the bonuses, because you should not have to pay for something that does not deliver what was promised. 

(Just FYI, the entrepreneurs who use this formula have built lists that accumulated to more than 58,000 people and generated over $26M, and there was not a single refund request)  

I’m so confident in my training and so SURE that you will build your list, you’ll be thrilled by the results and the unlimited income you can generate.

In Fact, I believe in this training so much, that I will offer anyone who requests a refund, double their money black, hassle-free. 

What can results like this do for your business?

In this moment, your destiny is shaped.

Will you decide to leave this powerful formula on the table (and get little to zero people on your list with no future income, time or trips)


Will you take charge of your success and enroll in the “How to build a million dollar list fast with almost 0 effort” training and become victorious in your marketing efforts that only took you 30 minutes to set up. And enjoy the income it may bring you.

Click that big orange button to sign up and find out

PS. If you want to build a list (valued at a Million dollars or more) fast with almost 0 effort and generate unlimited income from your list, then this is what you need! (This method of list building has helped my clients generate over $26M)